➔ Nine out of ten domestic workers still live in precarious work situations without social security, contracts, or bonuses. Despite advances in national laws and the ratification of ILO Convention 189, there is still a long way to go before a real cultural change recognizes domestic work as an occupation with rights. Employers have a fundamental role in changing this situation, so in alliance with the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion of Mexico City (STYFE) and the coalition of Allied Organizations (WIEGO, Hogar Justo Hogar, CACEH, Nosotrxs), we launched the campaign #MásQueOpciónEsUnDerecho, so that employers know their responsibilities and obligations. The campaign focused on paying Christmas bonuses, social security enrollment, and contract signing. Through a face-to-face strategy, we dialogued with more than 700 employers in the Benito Juárez, Miguel Hidalgo, Coyoacán, and Cuajimalpa municipalities, providing them with tools for fair employment; we achieved 5,262 visits in our website, and 41 articles on the main national media with a total reach of 29,611,889 people, and more than 214,000 joined the conversation on social networks. In alliance with Chilango and Más por Más, we published five articles on domestic workers' rights to reach more employers.
➔ Marea Verde made history in the fight for reproductive rights. In 2021, we participated in political and social advocacy processes at the federal and state levels to promote the decriminalization of abortion all over Mexico. The National Supreme Court of Justice ruled that women or people with gestational capacity can no longer be criminalized for having an abortion in Mexico. In addition, together we achieved the decriminalization of abortion in four states, adding Veracruz, Hidalgo, Baja California, and Colima to the entities where it is possible to access this right within the first 12 weeks of gestation. The movement will keep expanding to guarantee #LegalAbortionForAllMexico #WeAllAreTheGreenWave.
➔ Activists, organizations, and collectives launched Tejiendo Resitencias, an initiative that seeks to stop trans-exclusive discourses within and outside the feminist movement. With this campaign, we make visible the historically marginalized demands of feminist agendas. #TejiendoResistencias is a collective effort designed by Indigenous women, Afro-Mexican women, activists from LGBTIQ+ collectives, and feminists, who narrate their struggles for the advancement and recognition of their rights through video documentaries, podcasts, animations, and infographics. Together, we all moved forward to stop hate speech on social media.
➔ To generate peer-to-peer conversations, the youth networks we accompany led a strategy on TikTok through the #PanchaTV campaign, a puppet that provides reliable information to young people on sexual and secular education, contraceptive methods, the right to decide and sexualities, among other topics. In just six months, we reached 27,000 followers on our TikTok account and 8,000 on Instagram, and the campaign contents obtained a total of 846,287 views. With Pancha TV we demonstrate that #HablarEsChido (#TalkingIsCool).