➔ As part of ILSB's efforts to promote actions, develop tools and methodologies for gender mainstreaming, equality, and non-discrimination in companies, government agencies, academic institutions, civil organizations, and foundations, among other actors, in 2021 we carried out two strategic accompaniment processes, one with Fundación Merced (FM) to create an institutional policy and action plan with a gender and non-discrimination perspective in its organization; and another with UN Women, within the framework of its Segunda Oportunidad (Second Chance) and Avancemos por la Igualdad (Moving Towards Equality) programs, to incorporate the gender and care perspective in 4 of its partner organizations.
➔ In 2021, we had a broad media presence; our campaigns and actions generated conversation and public debate. With more than 446 press releases from international, national, and local media, we made visible the realities experienced by women in all of their diversity.